Jennifer Heiman, M.A., CCC-SLP

Clinical Specialist/Speech Language Pathologist

Jennifer Heiman, M.A., CCC-SLP

Clinical Specialist/Speech Language Pathologist

Jennifer was inspired to pursue speech pathology in high school. As captain of her
varsity volleyball team, Jennifer had to be heard over the large crowds who cheered on the team. She was diagnosed with vocal nodules and enrolled in voice therapy. Her physician, Douglas Hicks, taught her the anatomy and physiology of the vocal mechanism during her 8 weeks of treatment and she was hooked!

Her favorite part about being a therapist is helping individuals (pediatric, adolescent, adult or geriatric) effectively communicate their wants and needs. She remembers the first time a young patient of hers signed to his mom, “more”, independently. Jennifer’s primary approach to therapy when first working with a child is to build rapport. Finding a common thread of interest, a motivational object or just being silly is always the most important foundational tool to set them up for success.

Jennifer specializes in PROMPT (Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets) and PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System).

When she is not working, Jennifer and her husband love to travel and watch their two children play all sorts of sports. She also enjoys taking her Doberman on long walks – Scout is a bundle of love and energy!

Education & Certifications

  • Ohio University – Bachelor of Science, Hearing, Speech and Language
  • Kent State University – Master of Arts, Speech Pathology