McKibben & Monte’s team of certified speech therapists is dedicated to helping children overcome autism-related speech disorders.

Bridging Communication Gaps: Autism-Related Speech Disorder Therapy with McKibben & Monte

Empowering Children with Autism to Find Their Voice

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social interaction, communication, interests, and behavior. It is called a “spectrum” disorder because people with autism can have a range of symptoms, including speech and language disorders.

At McKibben & Monte, we understand that each child with autism is unique, and so are their speech needs. We’re committed to providing specialized therapy that helps children with autism overcome speech challenges and connect with the world around them.

Understanding Autism-Related Speech Disorders

Autism spectrum disorder often brings its unique set of speech and communication challenges. Some children with ASD may experience difficulties in language development, social communication, or articulation. Our goal is to support these children in finding their voice and fostering meaningful connections.

Speech and language disorders associated with autism can be classified into several types. Some children with autism may not speak at all, while others may have extensive vocabularies and can talk about specific subjects in great detail. However, most children on the autism spectrum have difficulty with the use of language in a social context, often struggling with the back-and-forth nature of conversation.

Some of the different types of speech issues in children with autism include the following:

  • Delayed speech and language skills: Many children with autism develop speech and language skills later than their peers. They might not start talking until they are older, or they might not talk at all.
  • Echolalia: This is a common speech issue where a person with autism repeats words or phrases that they hear. It can be immediate, where they instantly repeat what someone else just said, or it can be delayed, where they repeat it hours or days later.
  • Scripting: This involves the repetition of lines from movies, books, or video games. It is similar to echolalia but involves longer phrases or sentences.
  • Difficulty with pragmatic language: Pragmatic language involves the social aspects of language, such as taking turns in conversation, making eye contact while talking, and using gestures or tone of voice to convey meaning. Children with autism often struggle with these skills.
  • Non-verbal communication issues: Many children with autism have difficulty understanding and using non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice.
  • Monotone speech: Some individuals with autism may speak in a monotone voice, without the normal inflections and rhythms that vary pitch and emphasize certain words.
  • Literal interpretation: Individuals with autism often struggle with understanding abstract language like idioms, metaphors, and sarcasm.
  • Cluttering: Children with ASD may clutter, or speak rapidly and irregularly. They may also add fillers such as “um” or “like” often, which makes their speech hard to understand.

It’s important to note that every individual with autism is unique and may not exhibit all of these speech and language characteristics. Early intervention with speech and language therapy can significantly improve these skills for many children with autism.

Our Approach

At McKibben & Monte, we specialize in providing in-school speech therapy services tailored to children with autism in various Ohio areas – including Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, and Dayton – Northern Kentucky, and Tampa, Florida. Our team of certified speech therapists has the expertise and compassion to address the unique needs of children on the autism spectrum.

Why Choose McKibben & Monte?

  • Autism Expertise: Our therapists have extensive experience in working with autism and related speech disorders. They understand the nuances of autism and adapt therapy accordingly.
  • Individualized Care: We recognize that every child with autism is different. Our therapy plans are personalized to suit each child’s unique communication challenges and goals.
  • In-School Convenience: We provide our services directly in your child’s school, making therapy accessible and integrated into their daily routine.
  • Collaboration: We actively collaborate with educators and parents to ensure that therapy is aligned with the child’s overall development and educational goals.
  • Progress Tracking: Our focus is on helping children with autism improve their speech and communication skills. We monitor progress and celebrate milestones achieved along the way.

Furthermore, McKibben & Monte partners with numerous preschools and daycares throughout Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Tampa Florida. If you’re interested in having your child evaluated for an autism related speech disorder, check whether your child’s establishment is on our list and feel free to contact us for further information!

Getting Started

If you have a child with autism who is facing speech and communication challenges, our team is here to help. Contact us today to schedule an evaluation. We will work closely with you to understand your child’s needs and develop a personalized therapy plan to support their communication journey.

Join Us in Empowering Your Child

At McKibben & Monte, we believe that every child, regardless of their unique communication challenges, deserves the opportunity to express themselves and connect with the world. Our autism-related speech disorder therapy services aim to empower children with autism to find their voice and build meaningful connections.

McKibben & Monte – Where Every Voice Matters